
Verified E-mail Required

Although email verification is not mandatory during signup, there may be circumstances during which you really want to prevent unverified users from proceeding. For this purpose you can use the following mixin:

from phone_auth.mixins import VerifiedEmailRequiredMixin

class VerifiedUsersOnlyView(VerifiedEmailRequiredMixin, View)

The behavior is as follows:

  • If the user isn’t logged in, it acts identically to the LoginRequiredMixin decorator.

  • If the user is logged in but has no verified email address, then the user gets redirected to the user verification page (‘/accounts/user_verification/’), where the user can request email verification.

Verified Phone Required

Work similar to VerifiedEmailRequiredMixin.:

from phone_auth.mixins import VerifiedPhoneRequiredMixin

class VerifiedUsersOnlyView(VerifiedPhoneRequiredMixin, View)